Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12

(Woopsies.. sorry! I had a "scheduled post" and it didn't post for some reason..)

These reflections are dwindling down and I'm getting that Spring Fever..really bad! I just wanna play outside now that the sun is out! ...I hear there is snow coming though..typical Duluth.

Week 11-
The past week I feel wasn't too busy. We watched a film called "Unnatural Causes" and had an introduction to Healthy People 2010 and using THOMAS for our Advocacy project.

Unnatural Causes was a film about visiting 4 different neighborhoods East to West of Louisville, Kentucky. The people who lived in East area were in the top 1% of income, which was more than the bottom 90% of people's incomes combined! It was basically emphasisizing the whole "money is power" aspect. The film went into detail of showing how income, coorelates to life expectancy. The lower income, the lower life expectancy. It really was a powerful film.

Week 12-

This week we went a little more in depth on our Advocacy project. Searching, The Library of Congress: THOMAS website and Healthy People 2010. So far mine is focusing on physical education and using the resources available within the environment (environmental education).

Lastly this week we read Chapter 20: News on the Environment Isn't Always Bad. I liked it. The reading was short and to the point. I thought it was a change in things, showing that there are changes being made. Some examples of good news was, that the ozone gap is said to be closing up and that nationwide there is an improvement in air quality. Although there were some great points made in class. We need to be aware of where this source is coming from, and be aware of bias. It was said that this article was first appeared in the Christian Scienece Monitor, in 2002, which in actuallity that was 7 years ago. Maybe it's gotten better/worse?

Overall these past two weeks we've had some good discussions, readings and films in class. I look forward to the next couple weeks that seem to be wrapping up the school year!


  1. Jayme,
    Good Recap,
    Not much longer and we will be done!
    Like the picture.

  2. Jayme-

    I agree it's good to hear some good news about the environment. But just like when there is bad news, there always comes different points of view. I cant wait for the weather to make up its mind either.. heard its supposed to be high 60's towards the end of the week. Nice!
