Monday, May 11, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

I completed Derek's, Sara's, and Kevin's online learning activities
Online Learning Activity
Know Your Drinking Water Quiz
The quiz was based off of the costs of infrastructure in the United States. I got an 80% on his was a toughy! I'm not very educated on the whole business He provided some good sources that I looked through. They had some really insightful information. I think it made me realize how much I take for granite the water that comes so easily out of my faucets.

Sara O's Online Learning Activity
Spelling Bee
It was asked that we choose between 4 activities, I decided to do the environmental/healthy online spelling bee. It's a little embarrassing how bad I did! I couldn't spell... anesthesia for some reason (sure now I can spell it right on the first try, must have been the pressure!)

Kevin's Online Learning Activity
Urban Sprawl Quiz
I got an 83% (It told me I would make a great lobbyist ha) on Kevin's quiz. It was about Urban Sprawl. I never really even knew what "urban sprawl" was until his advocacy posts. I have to admit that it is an interesting conecpt.


  1. Jayme,
    Thanks for taking my quiz!

  2. I am glad to hear that my test said you would make a great lobbyist. I put that as your grade for your score.

    And yes, I learned a lot about urban sprawl form my intro to geography course at Normandale Community College. So, goes to show those lib ed classes really do make you a more rounded person.
