Thursday, February 19, 2009

Share and Voice: The Environmental Guy

Is anyone fans of Jim Carrey?? I think he is so hilarious :) Here is a video of him trying to do his part for the environment. It's pretty ridiculous and I'm not sure if he's mocking or trying to make a point! Let me know what you think.


  1. He is definitely hilarious! And this skit is hilarious, too! Humor is one way that people can break barriers with sensitive and politically-charged topics like environmental health. You are right that it is hard to tell if he's mocking or making a point. It could be both. Great find!

  2. should win an award for the funniest blog yet! I would agree with Dr. V...sometimes I thought he was making a point and sometimes I thought he was mocking the information...
    But seriously, Nice work =)

  3. Jayme,
    Good Humor! That's a good way to get the point across. I think he is trying to make a point, he seems fairly educated on the environment!
    Good Post.

  4. HAHA.. I love Jim Carrey! He is always a good laugh! It definitely gets peoples attention! I would have to say that it is hard to tell if he is making a point or just mocking!

  5. little late to comment on this..but very funny!
